Social sphere
- The volume and structure of family investment in young people's health in contemporary Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 7(382) - 2015 February
- Establishment of an effective system of population social protection as a factor of social security. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 6(291) - 2015 February
- An optimization model to improve the quality of life in the region. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 6(291) - 2015 February
- The well-being of the population in the context of modernization processes: regional highlights. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(379) - 2015 January
- Main trends in marriage and divorce rates in Russia over the past 50-60 years. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 4(289) - 2015 January
- Formation of a mechanism for prevention of occupational diseases in the industrial cluster. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 48(375) - 2014 December
- Influence of formal institutions on health-protecting behavior. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 48(285) - 2014 December
- Corporate benefits from investment in human well-being. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 47(284) - 2014 December
- Health preservation factors in estimation of life quality of the Primorsky Krai population. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 46(283) - 2014 December
- Socio-economic factors determining the population participation in informal payment for medical care. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 46(283) - 2014 December
- Developing a three-tier system of primary health care and a three-stage organization of its first tier. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 45(282) - 2014 December
- Strategic trends for the Russian Federation social policy change. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 43(280) - 2014 November
- Housing and communal conditions in the North. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 39(390) - 2014 October
- Research of the mechanism of family structure stability loss (on materials of demographic survey in Yakutsk families). «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 39(390) - 2014 October
- Influence of migration on formation of the workforce of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 39(390) - 2014 October
- The amount, structure and efficiency of expenditure on health in Russia and OECD countries: the potential, problems and prospects of comparative analysis. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 39(276) - 2014 October
- Economy and culture: creative economy, State regulation and approaches to the assessment of a territory brand. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 35(362) - 2014 September
- A mechanism for financing public and municipal services in multifunctional centers (a Rostov region case study). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 29(356) - 2014 August
- Regional problems of the development of the social infrastructure of rural areas. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 28(355) - 2014 July
- The need to account for the influence of factors of uncertainty on financial and economic activities of institutional stakeholders in the sphere of housing and communal services. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 28(265) - 2014 July
- Consistent patterns and trends of development of social policy in Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the course of institutional and socio-economic reforms. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 27(264) - 2014 July
- Socio-economic aspects of population physical health monitoring at the municipal level (the case of Republic of North Ossetia - Alania). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 24(351) - 2014 June
- Analyses of film production archetypes as a condition of forecasting its economic success. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 22(259) - 2014 June
- Statistical and cartographical modeling of social comfort of living of the population of the Volga Federal District. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 22(349) - 2014 June
- Influence of housing and communal services reform on interaction of the reformed subjects: the effect and problems. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 19(346) - 2014 May
- A family's role in formation of human capital: a theoretical analysis. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 19(346) - 2014 May
- Management efficiency of physical culture and sports in the region. Rating of the North Caucasus republics. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 18(255) - 2014 May
- Problems of youth employment and unemployment in the Tyva Republic. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 17(344) - 2014 May
- Analysis of filmgoer emotions as predictive provision of box office. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 16(253) - 2014 April
- The society's factor cost in counteraction against drug addiction spreading in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 15(342) - 2014 April
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