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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Vol. 31, Iss. 1
January 2025

Finance and Credit

  • Genesis, status and prospects for the Central Bank transformation
  • Lending to individuals in Russia: Formation, current practice, directions of improvement
  • Russian banking sector: Current architecture and development trends
  • Elements of budgeting and ranking in the formation of a company’s financial stability strategy
  • On the expediency of independent monetary policy of the Russian Federation: A market aspect
  • Short-term forecasting of inflation, output of goods and services using machine learning
  • Risks of money circulation in modern-day Russia
  • Regulation of digital currencies: Taking heed of externalities
  • Assessing the impact of fiscal mechanisms on the economic development of new regions through economic and mathematical methods
  • Conceptual provisions of interdepartmental interaction between customs and tax administrations
  • The issues of regulation of relations between audit organizations and audited entities: A comparative analysis of Russia and Iraq
  • Developing a trading strategy for investment portfolio construction based on leading indicators
  • Theoretical foundations of stock market development: The role of financial capital in the evolution of economic systems
Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Vol. 24, Iss. 1
January 2025

Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

  • Stages of digital maturity in the modernization of water transport
  • Agrotourism as a driver of rural development in Russia: Experience in the development of facilities in the Krasnodar Krai
  • LLM models in economics: New approaches to data analysis
  • Studying the economic systems with hybrid intelligence based on the theory of utility
  • Investment policy in the strategizing of regional development in the neo-industrial economy
  • The study of applicants' preferences in the context of the modern labor market and the education system desynchronization
  • Analyzing IFRS 7 requirements for disclosure of information about financial risks in financial statements and analysis of disclosure practices. Part 2
  • Potential of credit organizations in modern Russia
  • Analysis of mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions implemented in the Russian Federation and in some foreign countries
  • Studying the relationship between energy footprint and economic development based on the net primary productivity model: Evidence from China and Russia
  • The metric basis for assessing corporate sustainability
  • Possibilities of using the integral index of the border position of regions in econometric estimates of regional development factors
Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Vol. 23, Iss. 1
January 2025

Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

  • Assessment of regions’ digital maturity as the main marker of digital transformation of the Russian Federation
  • Development of digitalization as a factor in improving the regional management quality
  • Assessment of the state of regional social infrastructure facilities in the paradigm of their image transformation
  • On the development of the economy of Siberia and the Russian Far East
  • A conceptual approach to assessing the oil and gas complex’ impact on the regional economic system’s sustainable development
  • The impact of park infrastructure development on the region’s economic security
  • Fuel efficiency modeling in corporate fleets using telematic data
  • Assessment of the level of innovative development of agricultural biotechnologies in Russia
  • Russia's innovative mosaic: An analysis of entrepreneurship and international trade
  • Improving organizational and functional structures to form enterprise strategies to assess the results of production and economic activities
  • The issues of personnel reproduction in the transport and logistics industry: Formulation and solution in the context of relevant cases of the global market of online industry education
  • Regional demographics stabilization in the context of project management
National Interests: Priorities and Security

Vol. 21, Iss. 1
January 2025

National Interests: Priorities and Security

  • Quality of life of the population in the system of national interests
  • Training system for military financiers: Development problems
  • Localization of production under high foreign economic risks
  • Analyzing regional demographic threats in the context of economic security
  • Analysis of the Russian cosmetics market development and possibilities of implementing a new business project
  • Methodological approaches to exploring the resilience of the regional economic system as a basis for sustainable development management in modern realities
  • Cluster approach potential in the progress of the territory of advanced social and economic development
  • Conceptual provisions on improving the quality of customs services based on enhancing the business processes of end-to-end customs control over imported goods under digital traceability
  • Sustainable agricultural development as a factor in ensuring food security
  • Technological collaborations as a mechanism for innovative retail development
  • Managing innovations in the field of technology and equipment for the oil and gas complex
  • Current problems of trade cooperation between Russia and Egypt
  • Project activities as a tool for structural modernization and technological sovereignty of the Russian energy sector. Part 2
  • Assessing the extent of negative effect of higher electricity prices on energy security performance
International Accounting

Vol. 28, Iss. 1
January 2025

International Accounting

  • Topical issues of practical application of Federal Accounting Standard (FSBU) 25/2018 – Accounting for Leases
  • Accounting aspects of innovation risks
  • Measuring and reporting corporate actions in international financial statements: Combined instruments
  • International accounting as a research area: Searching for statutory guidelines
  • Double materiality or how to transcend the matrix of material topics when reporting on sustainable development
  • Organization and techniques of economic expert analysis of biological assets: Some particularities