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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Corporate benefits from investment in human well-being

Vol. 10, Iss. 47, DECEMBER 2014

Available online: 8 December 2014

Subject Heading: Social sphere

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 38-48

Nedospasova O.P. Seversk Institute of Technology, Branch of National Research Nuclear University "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute", Seversk, Russian Federation

Importance The well-being of a modern person is a complex concept that includes professional, social, financial, physical aspects of life and well-being in the living environment. Benefits from investment in various components of human well-being are assigned not only to individuals. Most of the benefits belong to the society as a whole, as well as to the organization in which the person works. Therefore, the responsibility (including financial) for the development of each direction of human well-being should be allocated between the economic entities at macro-, meso- and microeconomic levels.
     Objectives The article discusses the main causes that underlie the importance of investment approach to corporate investment in human well-being. I have analyzed the specifics of corporate investment in this area. I have defined the framework conditions for their inclusion in the multi-level investment system that combines the macro-, meso- and microeconomic actors.
     Methods The paper applies investment aspects of the human capital theory (as a form of economic imperialism) to the factors, which determine the human well-being.
     Results Relying upon the conclusion about objective reasons, which hinder distinct identification and correct quantitative evaluation of economic benefits from corporate investments in human well-being, I substantiate the feasibility of using a special system of "soft" (qualitative, indirect) indicators, which are formed on the basis of systematic questioning of employees.
     Conclusions and Relevance The evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate investment in the human well-being with the help of proposed indicators can become a stable basis for investment decisions, choice of specific forms of corporate investment in human well-being, which correspond to the long-term development goals of economic entities.

Keywords: human well-being, corporate investments, returns, evaluation, efficiency


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