The powerful workforce is required to address the global challenges facing the Primorsky Krai of the Russian Federation in the new economic conditions. Because of that, the problem of preserving the region's population and attracting skilled labor force assumes the highest priority. The solution to this problem is related to the increase of the quality of life of the population, which to high degree determines the citizens' health. According to the WHO findings, health of a person at 50-55% is determined by its way of life. Therefore, in order to form the social policy aimed at improving the citizens' health, first of all it is important to know how lifestyle factors are structured. To learn how to influence the health status of the population, it is necessary to have database in what way the economic, social, psychological and other factors impact the population health. It is common knowledge that the quality of life may be improved in the first place by overcoming the problems that exert "pressure" on the person. For the monitoring of the public opinion, the author underlines the wide-spread polls, which have been carried out and which attempted to assess the priorities of the socio-economic issues that mainly concern the Primorye population. As a result, when evaluating the significance of factors affecting quality of life, the region inhabitants put the health care and life expectancy at first place. This paper presents the findings of the research on various social and age categories of the Primorsky Krai population. The author found out that recreational possibilities of the Primorsky Krai to solve the health issues of the population are involved to the extremely small degree, and it is necessary to increase the availability of recreational resources of the region for its population.
Keywords: Primorsky Krai, living standards, quality, life, population, health, socio-economic processes, labor potential, man power, questionnaire
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