Social sphere
- Features of economic model of civil society in modern Russia. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 35(176) - 2012 September
- Software evaluation tests for identifying competencies of personnel reserve with elements of information security. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 35(176) - 2012 September
- Budget of the Federation as tool to regulate the social sphere of region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 35(266) - 2012 September
- Formation and development of corporate social and economic responsibility from positions of requirements of time and institutional environment. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 34(175) - 2012 September
- Intra-district disparities in income and consumption of goods and services: scales, factors, consequences. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 33(264) - 2012 September
- Influence of level of development of social infrastructure on demographic condition in rural municipal unions of the Ulyanovsk region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 32(263) - 2012 August
- Basic principles of concept of public transport megapolis (on an example of Perm). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 32(263) - 2012 August
- Comparative analysis for primary health care and public health of rural and urban areas (on example, the Belgorod area). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 31(262) - 2012 August
- Russian NGO Development trends in international comparativistic. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 30(171) - 2012 August
- Theoretical - probabilistic model of supply and demand at regional educational services market of higher education institutions. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 29(260) - 2012 August
- Features and strategy of youth behavior on modern labor market (on an example of the Stavropol area). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 29(260) - 2012 August
- Demand of population for educational services: demographic and social aspects. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 27(168) - 2012 July
- International labor resources migration: costs and benefits. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 26(167) - 2012 July
- Sustainable socio-economic development of rural municipalities. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 25(256) - 2012 July
- Research of demand for higher education services in regional aspect. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 23(254) - 2012 June
- Regional market of shopping centers: situation and prospects. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 22(253) - 2012 June
- Assessment of the territorial sharpness of situation of the rural area on example of municipality of the Ulyanovsk Region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 21(252) - 2012 June
- Problem of inequality of resources of the family investment in human capital development in modern Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 21(252) - 2012 June
- Psychological qualities of the economic agent: the problem of the "self-disclosure - self-presentation" in aspect of experimental studying of personality. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 19(160) - 2012 May
- On the question of assessing the effectiveness of the health care system. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 17(158) - 2012 May
- Demographic behaviour of youth of North-East regions of Russia. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 16(157) - 2012 April
- Social responsibility of business as a basic principle of the formation of barriers to entry into the market of hotel services in the region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 16(247) - 2012 April
- Analysis of interaction of formal and informal rules in the formation of the institute of health savings. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 15(156) - 2012 April
- Development of mortgage lending as a factor the formation of consumer demand on the residential real estate market. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 13(244) - 2012 April
- The main directions of the demographic politics in the Novgorod region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 13(244) - 2012 April
- Business as the subject of social responsibility. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(241) - 2012 March
- Social and cultural sphere as a factor of region competitiveness increase (on an example of St.-petersburg). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(241) - 2012 March
- Managerial and economic potential of the realization of the state youth policy in the region. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 10(151) - 2012 March
- Innovative transformations in the socially focused state. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 9(150) - 2012 March
- Social determinants of maintenance of competitiveness of small business. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(240) - 2012 March
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