Social sphere
- Traditional and innovation trends of development of ethnic business. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(240) - 2012 March
- Main principles of management in the social sphere of the subject of the Federation in the conditions of economy modernization. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(240) - 2012 March
- National programs on stimulation of a healthy way of life. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 8(149) - 2012 February
- The impact of new forms of financing to support the effectiveness of primary health care. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 7(148) - 2012 February
- Experience of the Russian regions on forming of a healthy conduct of life. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 6(237) - 2012 February
- Statistical estimation of the differentiation of the population of the Ulyanovsk area on the level of incomes. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 5(236) - 2012 February
- Formation of regional model of social protection of the population. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 5(146) - 2012 February
- Impact on the quality of primary health care of new forms of payment for medical workers. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 5(146) - 2012 February
- The transformation of the labor market in the Nizhny Novgorod Region: crisis and post-crisis periods. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 4(145) - 2012 January
- Investigation of the regional structure of housing markets in the Volga Federal district. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 2(233) - 2012 January
- The social development of the Ulyanovsk area: problems and solutions. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 2(233) - 2012 January
- Level and quality of life of the population: essence and the basic indicators (on the example of the Ulyanovsk region). «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 2(143) - 2012 January
- Incomes of population and social policy in the Volgograd region: comparative analysis. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 48(231) - 2011 December
- Problems of the human capital in the capital's metropolitan area. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 46(229) - 2011 December
- Tver regional fund for housing mortgage lending: difficult way to affordable housing. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 46(229) - 2011 December
- Institutionalization of the process to promote of employment of the population in the labor surplus area. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 46(139) - 2011 December
- Assessment of the effects from place marketing events: international experience and Russian practice. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 44(227) - 2011 November
- State of social and engineering infrastructure of rural settlements in the Oryol region. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 44(137) - 2011 November
- Methodological basis of social cooperation in ethnic groups in modern megalopolises of the world. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 41(134) - 2011 November
- Cities as a basis of social sector of Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 40(223) - 2011 October
- Historical cities of the Central Russia in formation and development of the social infrastructure of the country. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 38(221) - 2011 October
- Formation and development self-appraisal models qualities of life of the population. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 40(133) - 2011 October
- Current legal issues in social development and labour. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 40(133) - 2011 October
- Influence of socio-economic and ecological factors on medico-demographic tendencies in regions of Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 39(222) - 2011 October
- The research of the basic parameters of population economic welfare at the regional level (on the example of the Penza region). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 37(220) - 2011 October
- The comparative analysis of the condition and development tendencies the market of inhabited real estate in crisis and the postcrisis period. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 37(220) - 2011 October
- The strategy of the innovative development in the housing sphere (on the Republic Tatarstan example). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 36(219) - 2011 September
- Åstimation of level of satisfaction of physiological requirements of the population in foodstuff. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 36(219) - 2011 September
- Socio-economic presuppositions of the Northern-Caucasian federal district's formation. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 35(128) - 2011 September
- Concept of output of the rigion from depressive state. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 34(127) - 2011 September
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