Priorities of Russia
- Training system for military financiers: Development problems. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 1(442) - 2025 January
- Target indicators of strategic planning for the macroregion’s development: Investment and social aspects. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 12(441) - 2024 December
- The impact of sanctions on the structure of foreign trade in medical devices: Evidence from the medical consumables market. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 11(440) - 2024 November
- Assessment of the economic damage from the premature death of children and adolescents as a result of certain diseases caused by electromagnetic radiation. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 11(440) - 2024 November
- Potential labor force as a factor in eliminating shortages in the Russian labor market. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 8(437) - 2024 August
- Consolidation of intellectual resources in the creation of high-tech products in Russia. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 8(437) - 2024 August
- Strategic priorities to develop enterprises of the forestry complex of the Russian Federation in the context of modern challenges. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 7(436) - 2024 July
- Three dimensions of artificial intelligence in the system design of high-tech products. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 7(436) - 2024 July
- Health capital preservation and accumulation: From theoretical research to practical action. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 4(433) - 2024 April
- Principles and sequence of integral assessment of the implementation of strategic national priorities in the national security monitoring system. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 12(429) - 2023 December
- Assessing the economic cost of reduction in life expectancy as a result of major diseases. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 12(429) - 2023 December
- Priorities of social development of the Ural regions: Strategic and investment aspects. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 11(428) - 2023 November
- Living standards as a factor in ensuring the economic growth quality. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 11(428) - 2023 November
- Military-economic confrontation of Russia and the West in the special military operation for demilitarization/denazification of Ukraine. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 11(428) - 2023 November
- The main trends in the development of China's fuel and energy complex: Prospects for Russian-Chinese energy cooperation. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 9(426) - 2023 September
- Professional and competency-based approach as a basis for the higher and additional education modernization in the Russian Federation. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 8(425) - 2023 August
- Principles and methods for assessing the sustainability and feasibility of program activities to create high-tech products in Russia. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 6(423) - 2023 June
- Issues of modernization of academic activities in higher education in Russia. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 5(422) - 2023 May
- The Russian telemedicine market in the context of economic sanctions: Development prospects. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 2(419) - 2023 February
- The economics of sanctions as a modern trend of neo-institutionalism. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 2(419) - 2023 February
- Development of innovation-oriented import substitution in Russia: Nationwide and regional experience. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 8(413) - 2022 August
- A study of leadership in today's youth environment. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 6(411) - 2022 June
- Assessment of finance and demand for physical education and sports services in Russia and the Udmurt Republic. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 3(408) - 2022 March
- A retrospective of socio-cultural integrity of individualism as propaedeutics of modern political economy analysis. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 10(403) - 2021 October
- The Northern Sea Route in the national strategic planning system. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 10(403) - 2021 October
- The position of borderline areas of Southern Siberia in socio-economic ratings of the Russian regions. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 7(400) - 2021 July
- Conditions of expansion of economic integration of regions. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 6(399) - 2021 June
- Current issues of managing the military and economic activity of the State as part of strategic planning for the national development. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 3(396) - 2021 March
- Developing the system for monitoring the implementation of the economic security strategy of the Russian Federation. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 12(393) - 2020 December
- Development paths of government relationship management in the digital economy: Legislative considerations. «National Interests: Priorities and Security», 11(392) - 2020 November
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