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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Assessment of finance and demand for physical education and sports services in Russia and the Udmurt Republic

Vol. 18, Iss. 3, MARCH 2022

Received: 28 October 2021

Received in revised form: 19 December 2021

Accepted: 28 January 2022

Available online: 15 March 2022

Subject Heading: Priorities of Russia

JEL Classification: Z20, Z23

Pages: 446–463


Dmitrii P. ARKALOV Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation


Andrei V. LITVIN Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation


Subject. We consider economic aspects of the development of physical culture and sports.
Objectives. The aim is to analyze demand for physical culture and sports services in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the Udmurt Republic in particular.
Methods. We apply general-scientific methods of research.
Results. At the national and regional levels, the study revealed positive dynamics both in the financing of physical culture and sports services, and in the demand for them. The findings enable to state that the goals enshrined in strategies for physical culture and sports development in the Russian Federation can be achieved in the foreseeable future.
Conclusions. It is reasonable to use the results of the study in forecasting the demand for physical culture and sports services.

Keywords: physical education, physical culture, sports, service, financing


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