- Methodological bases of housing stock insurance against natural, ecological and technology-related risks. «Finance and Credit», 2(626) - 2015 January
- Liability insurance in Russia: current state and development areas. «Finance and Credit», 46(622) - 2014 December
- Agricultural risk insurance with State support: problems and solutions. «Finance and Credit», 43(619) - 2014 November
- Analysis of mutual insurance global market. «Finance and Credit», 42(618) - 2014 November
- Insurance mechanism of credit support for the Russian mortgage bond issues. «Finance and Credit», 39(615) - 2014 October
- Regional markets of motor insurance: the current state and development prospects. «Finance and Credit», 38(614) - 2014 October
- Insurer'srisks as a result of financial statements transformation under IFRS. «Finance and Credit», 34(610) - 2014 September
- Approaches to life insurance definition and its classification: problems of theory and practice. «Finance and Credit», 28(604) - 2014 July
- Adaptation of Russian financial markets to the WTO conditions: the insurance market. «Finance and Credit», 27(603) - 2014 July
- Specifics of life insurance policy in Russia. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 23(209) - 2014 June
- Problems and prospects of investment activity of insurance companies in Ukraine. «Finance and Credit», 16(592) - 2014 April
- Modern trends in insurance provision of intellectual property in Russia and world practice insurance. «Finance and Credit», 13(589) - 2014 April
- Prospects of development of voluntary personal insurance in the Republic of Dagestan. «Finance and Credit», 11(587) - 2014 March
- Case analysis of the Russian transactions on merge in the insurance market. «Finance and Credit», 8(584) - 2014 February
- The regional public health modernization. «Finance and Credit», 5(581) - 2014 February
- Insurance of liability for failure to fulfill obligations on payment of wages to workers in the case of bankruptcy of the organization. «Finance and Credit», 3(579) - 2014 January
- External factors of development of the modern Russian insurance market. «Finance and Credit», 2(578) - 2014 January
- Current state of market of insurance services in the Republic of Dagestan. «Finance and Credit», 46(574) - 2013 December
- Methodical approaches to carrying out the factorial analysis of financial result of activity of insurance company. «Finance and Credit», 40(568) - 2013 October
- Prospects of development of Islamic insurance in the Republic of Dagestan. «Finance and Credit», 34(562) - 2013 September
- Strategies for transactions on acquisition in insurance market of Russia. «Finance and Credit», 29(557) - 2013 August
- Evaluation of competitiveness of insurance companies on regional market (on example of republic of Khakassia). «Finance and Credit», 27(555) - 2013 July
- Globalization and the entry of Russia into the WTO the most important factors of development of Russian insurance market at present stage. «Finance and Credit», 27(555) - 2013 July
- Conditions to ensure the financial stability of insurance companies. «Finance and Credit», 25(553) - 2013 July
- Verbal model of creation of optimum trajectories of financial stream on separate contract of insurance. «Finance and Credit», 25(553) - 2013 July
- Assessment of risk factors of decrease in financial stability in insurance business. «Finance and Credit», 24(552) - 2013 June
- Insurance market in North Caucasus federal district. «Finance and Credit», 24(552) - 2013 June
- Advantages of psychographic segmentation of the insurance market. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 15(153) - 2013 April
- Compulsory health insurance as source of health financing. «Finance and Credit», 10(538) - 2013 March
- To question of mutual insurance in Russia. «Finance and Credit», 8(536) - 2013 February
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