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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

«Regional Economics: Theory and Practice»

Vol. 10, Iss. 46, December 2012

 Region development strategy

Development of self-regulation of housing and communal services of the Penza region in conditions of innovation-oriented economy

Bondarenko V.V. / Yudin V.A. )

External and internal factors of economic growth in subjects of the North Caucasus federal district

Gichiev N.S. )

Strategic directions of development of region industry

Ramazanova B.K. )

 Social sphere

Changing of role of social responsibility in theories of strategic management

Reznik G.A. / Volokushin D.V. )

Self-employment - innovative mechanism of realization of labour potential of population

Ignatov V.S. / Maljuk L.I. / Pavlov A.Y. )

 Agrarian and industrial complex development

Researching into price aspects of supply and sales activity of milk subcomplex enterprises of the Saratov region

Gritchina M.N. )


Analysis of management of technological innovations in industrial developed region - the Republic of Tatarstan (recommendation on modernization of region industry)

Gumerova G.I. / Shaymieva E.S. )

Innovative methods in state administration

Sergushko S.V. / Slavyanov A. S. )

Problem issues of formation of financial base of municipal formations

Rodyukov S.V. )


ISSN 2311-8733 (Online)
ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 22, Iss. 9
September 2024
