Services of the foreign trade intermediaries: the organisation of deliveries of automobile production in the Amur region
( Kalashnikova I.V. / Olontsev S.O. )
Regional investment policy in Russian Federation
( Valeeva J.S. / Taisheva G.R. / Sharafutdinova N.S. )
Scenario approach to develop long-term strategy for the region (the Sverdlovsk Region)
( Ogloblin A.A. / Akberdina V.V. )
Renewed energy as factor of the sustainable development of the region (on example of the Republic Dagestan)
( Magomedova N.A. )
Formation educational clusters in strategy of regional development
( Ishchuk T.L. )
Major overhaul as the basis of reproduction of the available housing in crisis conditions
( Larin S.N. / Evdokimenko N.L. )
Features of functioning and development of a territorial alcohol industry complex
( Didyk S.V. )
Quality management problems by manufacture of dairy production on an example of the Belgorod region
( Pizengolts V.M. )
Современное состояние и пути совершенствования кадрового обеспечения разных форм хозяйствования аграрной сферы
( Frolova O.A. / Zubrenkova O.A. / Ilicheva O.V. / Sidorova N.P. )
Development of the social infrastructure as a necessary term of rising the efficiency of the agricultural production
( Dokalskaya V.K. / Miheev S.S. )
Social problems of development of the Kirov region
( Urvanceva T.V. )
State policy and problems of medicinal maintenance in regions of Russia of the Nizhniy Novgorod region
( Zasimova L.S. )
Peculiarities of governmental regional policy in Kyrgyzstan
( Atakanov N.A. )