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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

«National Interests: Priorities and Security»

Vol. 6, Iss. 14, July 2010

 Priorities of Russia

The reasons of system crisis social and economic development of rural territories

Tretjakova L.A. )

Conception fundamentals formation organization mechanism of development the high technology manufactures in the machine building

Fedorova L.A. )

Modern trends in the light of livestock intensification the priority national project «development of agriculture»

Lavrikov V.I. )


Transparency Of Financial Flows As A Condition Of Nanotechnologies Development In Russia

Gukova A.V. / Kirov A.V. )

Genesis of strategic management in conditions of growth of uncertainty of economic development of Russia

Ilysheva M.A. / Potashnikova S.A. / Kartavchenko I.V. )

Developing of the sustainable fisheries - strong support for creating of the higher effectiveness of the Russian fishery

Pokrovsky B.I. / Kostyukova O.I. / Sharin A.N. )

The Analysis Of The Condition Of Innovative System Of Russia

Kurunina E.N. )


Confronting Sectarian, Radical-Destructive Religious Organizations And Groupings

Karpov A.V. / Lomakin V.V. )

Economic safety of Russia: problems of international legal maintains in the modern conditions

Zhilkina Y.V. )

Import dependency - a threat to food safety to Russia

Alieva Z.B. )


Globalization as a factor of national development

Sergeev P.A. / Kotilko V.V. )


ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 21, Iss. 1
January 2025


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