- The origin of double-entry bookkeeping: Hypotheses and facts. «International Accounting», 7(505) - 2023 July
- The first attempt to uniform accounting in the USA: Individual and consolidated financial statements. «International Accounting», 4(490) - 2022 April
- Calculating the financial result on the Goods Inventory account: The historical and methodological aspect. Part 2. «International Accounting», 3(489) - 2022 March
- Calculating the financial result on the Goods Inventory account: The historical and methodological aspect. Part 1. «International Accounting», 2(488) - 2022 February
- The scientific contribution of scholars representing the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics to the accounting theory development: A historical retrospective. «International Accounting», 1(487) - 2022 January
- Assessing the financial result at the early development phase of the accounting methodology. «International Accounting», 9(483) - 2021 September
- The history of accounting in China. «International Accounting», 8(482) - 2021 August
- The history of evaluation in accounting as a reflection of the causal relationships between its evolution and the stages of the world economy development. «International Accounting», 12(474) - 2020 December
- In Memoriam of Yaroslav Sokolov. «International Accounting», 7(469) - 2020 July
- The economic policy of the Bashkir government in 1917. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(472) - 2020 January
- The evolution of accounting and reporting in the public sector of economy. «International Accounting», 9(459) - 2019 September
- Accountancy among other academic disciplines: Discourse of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. «International Accounting», 11(449) - 2018 November
- The Russian–German Customs War and Trade Agreements of 1893 and 1904. Part 2. «International Accounting», 8(446) - 2018 August
- The Russian–German customs war and trade agreements of 1893 and 1904. Part One. «International Accounting», 7(445) - 2018 July
- Social and Economic Development of the Muscovite State: The Latter Half of the 15th to 17th Centuries. «International Accounting», 3(441) - 2018 March
- Johann Schär and Paul Gerstner: The contribution to the development of financial reporting analysis methods. «International Accounting», 2(440) - 2018 February
- Economic development of Russia: The latter half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. «International Accounting», 21(435) - 2017 November
- Historical preconditions for formation of the Russian accountant's mentality. «International Accounting», 16(430) - 2017 August
- Accounting and financial reporting of the City of Moscow during the origination of the city government. «International Accounting», 14(428) - 2017 July
- Economic forensics in Russia: history and modern times. «International Accounting», 11(425) - 2017 June
- Mathematical foundations of the balance sheet theory by A.P. Roudanovsky. «International Accounting», 8(422) - 2017 April
- The accounting and control system for staff remuneration: Historical perspective and current trends in the development. «International Accounting», 3(417) - 2017 February
- Russian financial and economic thought in the late nineteenth century. «International Accounting», 1(415) - 2017 January
- Discussing the accounting reporting publicity in the late nineteenth century in Russia. «International Accounting», 1(415) - 2017 January
- Chief Accountant of the Moscow City Council A.P. Roudanovsky and his balance sheet model. «International Accounting», 20(410) - 2016 October
- Specifics of peasant farms budget formation in the early 20th century: The Tver Governorate case study. «Finance and Credit», 40(712) - 2016 October
- Field treasury of the Russian Army. «Finance and Credit», 38(710) - 2016 October
- Regional banks of Japan: milestones, specifics of government regulation and a role in economic development. «Finance and Credit», 32(704) - 2016 August
- Finance of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia. «Finance and Credit», 24(696) - 2016 June
- Causes and principal aspects of international accounting models. «International Accounting», 11(401) - 2016 June
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