Investment policy
- The existing instruments to stimulate investment in the current economic conditions and suggestions for their improvement. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 6(240) - 2015 February
- Comparative evaluation of sectoral investment attractiveness with a territorial binding: an instrumental and methodological approach. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 5(239) - 2015 February
- Clustering of housing and utility complex as one of directions of its reform. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 2(236) - 2015 January
- Investment policy impact on the economy and implementation of infrastructure projects in the North Caucasian Federal District. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 1(235) - 2015 January
- Valuation of patents as real options. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 47(233) - 2014 December
- Development finance institutions and innovation management (Some topical issues). «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 46(232) - 2014 December
- Theory and model of investment (end of article). «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 44(230) - 2014 November
- Theory and models of investment. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 43(229) - 2014 November
- Payment mechanism of concession agreements and its effect on net present value of infrastructure projects. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 33(219) - 2014 September
- Research and development expenditures, stock returns and sales growth of biopharmaceutical firms. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 33(219) - 2014 September
- Public-private partnership in terms of development of the financial sector of the Ryazan region. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 33(219) - 2014 September
- Risk distribution between participants of project and its impact on investment attractiveness. «Digest Finance», 3(231) - 2014 July-September
- Renewal of capital assets of agricultural enterprises under the WTO conditions. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 32(218) - 2014 August
- Ural Federal District: investments and features of innovation development. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 30(216) - 2014 August
- Specifics of development of merger and acquisition market in Russia. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 24(210) - 2014 June
- Russian market of collective investment in the conditions of slowing down of the national economy. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 24(210) - 2014 June
- Discounted cash flow rate of investment projects under the Federal targeted investment program for transport complex. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 24(210) - 2014 June
- Risk distribution between participants of project and its impact on investment attractiveness. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 24(210) - 2014 June
- Analysis of competition in banking investment services. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 23(209) - 2014 June
- Inflation and risk adjustment when assessing investment effectiveness in agriculture of Russia. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 23(209) - 2014 June
- Iinvestment potential of depressive regions. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 21(207) - 2014 June
- Techniques of formation of investment business plan. «Finance and Credit», 18(594) - 2014 May
- Working-out of classification of the Cheliabinsk-region agriculture-enterprises types on the basis of the investment-appeal criteria. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(337) - 2014 March
- Creating favorable conditions to attract investments for priority development of the Arctic region of Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(337) - 2014 March
- Regional investment policy as the basis for government-administered structural reforms. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(337) - 2014 March
- Role of institutions in the implementation of the state investment policy. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 5(191) - 2014 February
- Features of formation and the maintenance of investment policy in various subjects of the Russian Federation. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(331) - 2014 January
- Factorial analysis of investment appeal of the regions. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(331) - 2014 January
- To question of simplification of two problems of optimization of investments. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 46(184) - 2013 December
- Influence of business conditions in the Russian regions on investment activity of domestic and foreign investors. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 33(171) - 2013 September
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