pp. 2412–2441
Rationality of internal control according to COSO-INTOSAI principles in public sector organizations
( Sergei V. ANUREEV )
pp. 2442–2464
Devaluation of the national currency and the economic security of the State
( Dmitrii Yu. FEDOTOV )
pp. 2465–2478
Assessing the spillover effects of investment in transport infrastructure in the subjects of the Russian Federation
( Aleksei N. SAVRUKOV / Nikolai T. SAVRUKOV )
pp. 2479–2502
Possibilities and constrains of crowdlending platform development
( Evgenii V. POPOV / Anna Yu. VERETENNIKOVA / Sergei A. FEDOREEV )
pp. 2503–2520
An analysis of sectoral shipbuilding strategies considering the sustainable development goals of the fisheries complex of Russia
( Andrei A. BELETSKII )
pp. 2521–2547
Assessing the quality of budget risk management of the subjects of the Russian Federation
( Alena Yu. SUKHOVA )
pp. 2548–2574
The development of the pension system of Russia: Challenges and opportunities
( Andrei I. MASTEROV )
pp. 2575–2605
China's financial services market in the post-pandemic period 2020–2021: Trends and development prospects
( Husan S. UMAROV )
pp. 2606–2636
The impact of adaptability on the competitiveness of non-State pension funds
( Ekaterina S. YAROVAYA )
pp. 2637–2656
Investment mortgage as an innovative banking product in the real estate financing market
( Tat’yana A. RUBLEVA )