Subject. This article deals with the analysis of competitiveness, which is an important component of the strategic management of a non-State pension fund. Objectives. The article aims to study the existing approaches to the analysis of competitiveness, determine the role of the indicator of adaptability of competitiveness of non-State pension funds in conditions of high variability of the external environment, and formulate recommendations for drawing up criteria for the enterprise competitiveness taking into account the specifics of the activities of the funds. Methods. For the study, I used analysis, and the systems, and structural and functional approaches. Results. The article defines and classifies the factors affecting the competitiveness of non-State pension funds in modern market conditions. It substantiates the influence of the indicator of adaptability on the competitiveness of non-State pension funds. The article also proposes an approach to ranking this indicator, which can be applied regardless of the chosen method for assessing the competitiveness of non-State pension funds. Conclusions. The article concludes that the testing of the assessment of the non-State pension fund competitiveness using the author-proposed adaptability indicator helps determine the level of non-State pension fund competitiveness at the current time, track the changes, and identify the existing problems, the causes of their occurrence, and thereby ensure the conditions under which the non-State pension fund has the opportunity to promptly respond and adapt to external changes thus ensuring its stability in the market.
Keywords: service sector, competitiveness, flexibility, assessment, private pension fund
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