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General Information and the ScopeRevised version, November 2024 Finance and Credit is a peer-reviewed academic journal founded in 1994 in accordance with the classical subscription model. Since 2018, the journal has been offering authors different ways of publishing their research findings, including the Open Access model. The journal publishes research and practice articles on the results of research in the field of the following:
The journal covers both fundamental and applied research in the field of monetary, financial and credit relations, financial markets and institutions, investment and innovation activities. The journal spotlights the following scope of subjects and aspects:
The journal features the following subject headings:
Why Finance and Credit?Open AccessThe journal provides authors with a choice of ways to publish their research results through both the classical subscription model and the Open Access one. The Open Access publication fee for Finance and Credit journal is EUR 300, excluding taxes. Article Selection CriteriaThe main criteria to accept an article for publication in the Finance and Credit journal are the article's high quality, originality, novelty, and research and practice significance of the submitted materials. ReviewingArticles are reviewed internally and/or externally. For more details please refer to Regulation on Reviewing. Considering Reviewers' feedback, the Chief Editor decides whether the material meets all the required criteria. Reviewers remain anonymous for Authors throughout the reviewing process, likewise articles they deal with are unnamed. Anonymous reports of Reviewers are sent to Authors, without being in the public domain. Articles undergo double blind peer reviewing. CopyrightAuthors hold the copyright for their articles. For more details, please refer to Copyright section. Indexing in DatabasesArticles of the Finance and Credit journal are indexed in the Russian Scientific Citation Index, VINITI (Referativny Zhurnal), and Google Scholar. Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) ListFinance and Credit is on the list of Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommending journals for Authors to publish their papers on the scientific content of their theses on Economics in pursuit of PhD and doctoral degree. Plagiarism CheckEach article submitted to Finance and Credit undergoes plagiarism checks via the Antiplagiat system and/or other plagiarism checking software. The Editorial takes all cases of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or any other scientific misconduct very seriously. Authors should be aware that all manuscripts are checked by using the plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat and other resources. Any incident will result in a correction request or even rejection or retraction of the article. The Editorial withholds the right to impose further penalties such as a ban of publication in Finance and Credit for a two-year period. Article SubmissionThe Editorial accepts Authors' materials upon a duly completed Journals Contributor's Publishing Agreement sent via email post@fin-izdat.ru. Journal DetailsFinance and Credit® Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС77-60938 of March 2, 2015 by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media Previous Registration Certificate №013007 of November 3, 1994 by the Committee of the Russian Federation on Press Founder and PublisherPublishing house FINANCE and CREDIT EditorialOffice: Zelenyi prospekt 20, Moscow 111397 (postcode), Russian Federation |
ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)