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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Publishing Ethics

Revised version, July 2018

Русская версия

Editors. Ethical Behavior

Reviewers. Ethical Behavior

Authors. Ethical Behavior

Editors. Ethical Behavior

Publication Decision

The Editors-in-Chief of the scientific journals of Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT have the responsibility to make decisions on publication on the basis of the validity of the submitted work and its scientific significance. They are guided by the Editorial policy of the journal, taking into account relevant legal requirements regarding libel, copyright, legality and plagiarism. When making a decision about publication the Editors-in-Chief may confer with other Editors and Reviewers.

Nondiscrimination and Privacy

When assessing the intellectual content of the manuscripts by the Editors, any form of discriminatory treatment is unacceptable and intolerable.

Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT is practicing the "double-blind" review procedure exclusively.

Unless necessary, the Editors-in-Chief, Editors, and Editorial Board shall never disclose information about the manuscript to other persons, except for the corresponding Authors, Reviewers, potential Reviewers, other Scientific Consultants and the Publisher, as appropriate.


Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Unpublished data from a manuscript submitted for consideration shall not be used in the Editors own studies without the written consent of the Author. All information and ideas obtained through the peer reviewing, and leading to potential benefits, are to be kept entirely confidential and shall not be used for personal advantage.

In the event of conflict of interest of the various parties involved with the manuscript, the Editors are obligated to refuse to review manuscripts. In such a situation, the cooperation with the other members of the Editorial Board for joint action is appropriate.

The Editor, provided strong evidence that the allegations or conclusions presented in the publication are erroneous or might cause injury to a third party, shall inform the Publisher (and/or scientific society) for the early notification of changes, deletions, retraction, expression of concern, or other appropriate action.

Collaboration with COPE

In the case of the ethical claims concerning the considered manuscripts or published material in the journals of Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT, the Editor together with the Publisher shall take appropriate response measures, in accordance with the Guidelines for Retracting Articles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Such measures include interaction with the Authors of the manuscript and the reasoning of the appeal or the requirements and involve interaction with the relevant organizations and research centers within the framework of cooperation on the purity of research (program recommendations of COPE).


Reviewers. Ethical Behavior


Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT shares the view that scientists, who want to contribute to the publication, perform substantial work on the review of the manuscript. Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT takes into account that such work is carried out on a voluntary basis, unless the Reviewer is not a full-time employee of the Publishing house. The Reviewer accepting the manuscript for review is obliged to comply with the stipulated terms of reviewing.

If the Reviewer is aware that he/she does not have sufficient expertise to review manuscripts or does not have enough time to complete a work, the one must notify the Editor and ask to remove the one from the manuscript review process.

The Reviewer should not participate in the consideration of manuscripts in case of conflict of interest because of the competitive, cooperative and other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other entities associated with the submitted work.

Conflict of Interest and Privacy

Unpublished data from a manuscript submitted for peer review shall not be used in the Reviewer's own studies without the written consent of the Author. All information and ideas obtained through the peer reviewing, and leading to potential benefits, are to be kept entirely confidential and shall not be used for personal advantage.

Any manuscript received for review is regarded as a confidential document. This work is not disclosed or discussed with any other persons without authorization from the Editor-in-Chief.


The Reviewer is required to give an objective assessment. Personal criticism of the Author is not acceptable. The Reviewers should be clear and well-reasoned.

Score Manuscripts

The Reviewers identify important published works, topic relevant and not included in the bibliography to the manuscript. Any statement, finding, conclusion or argument published previously should be accompanied by corresponding bibliographic references in the manuscript. The Reviewer draws the attention of the Editor-in-Chief and the issuing Editors to detection of significant similarities or overlaps between the manuscript and any other previously published work in the field of the scientific competence of the Reviewer and expresses an opinion on the acceptability of the manuscript for publication from the point of view of ethics standards and rules.


Authors. Ethical Behavior

Requirements for Manuscripts and Guarantee

The Authors must provide credible progress accomplished on original research and objective discussion of its significance. The data underlying the work should be presented accurately. The work must contain sufficient details and citations for possible replication.

Fraudulent, knowingly false or erroneous claims are perceived as unethical and unacceptable.

This may be the reason for the rejection of the manuscript or refuting a published article.

Reviews and articles also must be accurate and objective.

The Author must not publish the manuscript, on the same study, more than in one journal as the original publication. Presentation of the same manuscript simultaneously in more than one journal is perceived as unethical and unacceptable. The Author shall not be required to provide to the other journal the previously published article.

The Authors shall ensure that they are submitting a completely original work. In the case of works or statements of other Authors, the appropriate citations, excerpts or quotations should be provided.

The Authors may be requested for additional or raw data relevant to the manuscript. The Authors should be prepared to provide public access to information of this kind (according to the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), if that is practicable, and they should in any event be willing to keep these data for the appropriate period of time after publication.

Plagiarism in any form - from the presentation of someone else's work as the Author's one to copying or rephrasing of substantial parts of other people's works (without attribution) and to claiming the results of other people's research - is unethical and unacceptable.

Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT reserves the right not to respond to accusations of plagiarism, if the Accuser provides inaccurate personal information (for example, an assumed name), or is acting in an unethical or threatening manner. The Editors are not obliged to discuss the cases of alleged plagiarism with people that have no direct relationship to it.

The Authors acknowledge that their publication does not violate any existing copyright and guarantee the Publisher against loss in the event of such violations.

For ease of dissemination and to ensure the implementation of the policies of the use of the materials, the Authors give the Publisher the exclusive ownership of the manuscript, unless otherwise provided.

Permission to Use Materials

To transfer the article to the Editors, the Authors must first obtain the permission to use any material created by others. Violation of this condition will lead to certain difficulties in the evidence of the Authors of the material submitted for publishing.

The Authors shall provide or should be ready to provide written authorization for the use of such material at the request of the Editor or Publisher.

The article cannot be published if the Authors fail to obtain the following rights on the use of borrowed material:

  • Non-exclusive right to reproduce the material in the article
  • Rights to use print and electronic versions of the materials
  • Perpetual rights to use the materials (e.g., the absence of temporary restrictions on the reuse of the material, for example, the one-year license)

The reproduction of tables, figures, or snippets of text (more than 400 words) from other sources is permitted, if the Authors:

  1. Have received written authorization to use the materials in printed and electronic form from all persons with rights to texts, illustrations, graphics, or other material that the Authors used in the manuscript, as well as any minor adaptation of the material created by others.
  2. Have informed the copyright Holder of the material on significant changes of the material used in the manuscript.
  3. Have received written permission to use the material.
  4. Have indicated the data source in the description of pictures and duplicated it in the reference list.
  5. Have beforehand updated the information about the Owner of the copyright and received permission for the material borrowing (reprint), when using any material that is freely available on the Internet.

In accordance with the Editorial policy of Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT, the following is not valid:

  • Verbatim copying Ten-percent or more of the work of another person without disclosing his authorship, attribution and use of quotation marks.
  • Incorrect paraphrasing another person's material that changed more than one sentence in a paragraph or section of text, or sentences were located in different order without appropriate reference to the source. Notable inappropriate paraphrasing (more than ten-percent of the original work) without reference to the source is equivalent to the literal (verbatim) copying.
  • The use of another's work without attribution, such as a picture, a table, or a paragraph without expressing appreciation, reference to a source or use of quotation marks. The Authors should obtain permission from the copyright Holder to use the elements of his work.
  • Self-citation. The Authors should specify that their work is published for the first time. If the elements of manuscripts have previously been published in another article, including the journals of Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT, the Authors are required to refer to the earlier work and indicate significant difference of the new work from the previous one. Also, they are required to reveal its connection with the research results and conclusions presented in the previous work. Verbatim copying of the Authors' own works and paraphrasing is unacceptable; such works can only be used as a basis for new findings.

Important: In accordance with the international ethics of scientific publications, Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT is recommending the Authors to keep the degree of self-citation within 0 to 20-percent.

Primary Sources, Authorship and Conflict of Interest

The Authors should refer to publications relevant to the submitted work. The data obtained privately (talk, discussion or correspondence with third parties) should not be used or presented without explicit written permission from the original source. Information from confidential sources should not be used without the express of written permission of the Authors of the works relating to such sources.

Only the persons who have made a significant contribution to the development of a plan of work, design, execution or interpretation of the study may be the Authors of the publications. All those who have made a significant contribution to the work should be marked as Co-authors. When study participants made significant contributions in a certain direction in a research project, they should be listed as individuals making a significant contribution to this study.

The Author guarantees that all participants, who have made a significant contribution to the study, are presented as Co-authors, and those who did not participate in the study are not mentioned as Co-authors, and that all Co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to publish it. Individuals who have made insignificant contributions to research are to be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.

The Authors are required to disclose in their writings, the existing financial or other conflict of interest that could be perceived as influencing the results or conclusions presented in the work. Potential conflict of interest must be disclosed in advance. The Authors are required to list all sources of funding for the research.

Correction of Errors

In case, some significant errors or discrepancies are discovered in the publication, the Author shall forthwith in writing inform the Editor or Publisher and take appropriate actions to correct the errors or withdraw the publication. If the Editors or Publisher have received information from a third party that the publication contains material errors, the Author is obliged to retract or correct the paper as soon as possible.



ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 30, Iss. 9
September 2024
