Subject. This article discusses the role of investment mortgage in overcoming the crisis of attracting deposits by credit institutions and stimulating the investment activity of households in the real estate financing market. Objectives. The article aims to define particularities of investment mortgage and prospects for its development in the real estate funding market, and ways to improve the quality of mortgage bonds in the investment mortgage segment using artificial intelligence technologies in underwriting. Methods. For the study, I used the systems approach, comparative and logical analyses. Results. The article presents an author-developed definition of the Investment Mortgage category, its basic elements, and it describes the investment mortgage life cycle and risks. It also proposes to supplement the scoring through using the gradient boosting technique when underwriting a credit application for investment mortgage. Conclusions and Relevance. The investment mortgage segment, including mortgage deposit and mortgage loan, has a life cycle and risks that differ from the ones of the mortgage programs implemented in the banking services market. Using the gradient boosting technique can help improve the efficiency of underwriting applications for mortgage lending and investment mortgage. The results of the study can be used by credit organizations when developing a product line of mortgage lending programs in the investment mortgage segment, and digitizing credit underwriting of mortgage borrowers.
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