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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

«Finance and Credit»

Vol. 26, Iss. 9, September 2020


pp. 1928–1950

Stochastic optimization of economic, financial, information, and logistics inter-cluster cooperation

Yashin S.N. / Trifonov Yu.V. / Koshelev E.V. )

pp. 1951–1969

Specifics of creating an effective system of project financing of innovation and investment activities of dairy subcomplex enterprises

Chernikova S.A. )


pp. 1970–1983

Economic security of economic entities: Theory and the current practice

Chaldaeva L.A. / Kilyachkov A.A. )


pp. 1984–2004

Financial logistics as a tool to streamline the process flow of credit institutions

Kizim A.A. / Smolyakova N.V. )

pp. 2005–2028

An analysis of the commercial banks' credit policy implemented in regional financial markets

Koloskova N.V. / Chistyakova O.A. )

pp. 2029–2048

Developing financial monitoring of credit institutions' vulnerability to money laundering risk

Il'in А.V. )

 Financial system

pp. 2049–2076

FinTech as a new dimension for financial institutions: Problems and solutions

Turuev I.B. )

pp. 2077–2095

The essence, principles and functions of proactive budgeting in the financial context

Shor I.M. / Shor D.M. / Shelestova D.A. / Galamyan L.I. )

pp. 2096–2115

The specifics of shadow economy in Russia

Ermakova E.R. / Lizina O.M. )

pp. 2116–2137

Analyzing the financial and economic development of contemporary Russia

Smirnov V.V. )

pp. 2138–2150

Public finance during the reign of Catherine the Great

Gudakova L.V. / Grebennikova E.D. )


pp. 2151–2166

Decentralization of fiscal relations in Russia in the context of global trends

Fedosov V.A. )


ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 30, Iss. 8
August 2024
