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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

«Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice»

Vol. 15, Iss. 1, January 2016


pp. 4-14

On procedure for justifying the initial (maximum) contract price in an inflationary economy

Kostyukova E.I. / Bobryshev A.N. )

pp. 15-29

Analysis of institutions providing financial incentives to business entities to encourage economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation

Syrov A.N. )

pp. 30-42

Absorption capacity of dedicated State scientific and technical program outputs: the experience of empirical study

Pronichkin S.V. )


pp. 43-53

Quantitative assessment of the effect of institutional environment on social responsibility of business

Babanova Yu.V. / Makarova L.I. / Rastvorova E.P. )

pp. 54-68

The key performance indicators system and its use in the rating of telecommunications companies' competitiveness

Tuyakova Z.S. / Cheremushnikova T.V. )

pp. 69-81

Environmental effect on mergers and acquisitions efficiency in the telecommunications industry

Fedorova E.A. / Medvedeva A.A. / Fedorov F.Yu. )


pp. 82-92

Analysis of Russian machine-building enterprises: the need for modernization

Ryzhikova T.N. / Borovskii V.G. )

pp. 93-103

Venture investment in innovation projects: modern development trends and risks

Volkova T.I. / Mishcherina T.V. )


pp. 104-117

Assessing the life quality of people living in municipal regions of the Republic of Karelia

Kurilo A.E. / Molchanova E.V. / Shkiperova G.T. / Kruchek M.M. / Kibisova Z.S. )

pp. 118-130

Improving the system for motivating employees of government institutions: evidence from the administration of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Kirov oblast

Domracheva L.P. / Lapteva E.V. )


pp. 131-142

A factor analysis of the Russian oil and gas sector development based on the sustainable growth rate (SGR) model

Trachenko M.B. / Kozhechkina E.V. )


pp. 143-158

The use of fuzzy logic tools to evaluate the quality of customs services

Gupanova Yu.E. )

pp. 159-182

A matrix model to investigate capital gains and the period of equipment replacement of thermal power plants

Oklei P.I. )

pp. 183-196

The choice of parameters for steering the regional economy with panel data models

Klimova N.I. / Gafarova E.A. )


ISSN 2311-8725 (Online)
ISSN 2073-039X (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 23, Iss. 8
August 2024
