- Features of realization of supervisory powers of the State in modern conditions. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 44(419) - 2015 November
- Methodological aspects of the regional investment policy formation. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 40(415) - 2015 October
- The role of the State in regulating investment activities at the regional level. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 40(415) - 2015 October
- Development of the industrial complex of the Tyva Republic in conditions of modernization. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 38(413) - 2015 October
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of international labor-migration regulation in the region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 38(413) - 2015 October
- Developing a mechanism for strategic management of food resources. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 37(412) - 2015 October
- Adaptive formation of a remote area's industry (the Republic of Dagestan case study). «Digest Finance», 3(235) - 2015 July-September
- Current trends and prospects of the hotel industry in the Russian Federation. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 23(398) - 2015 June
- Adaptive formation of a remote area's industry (the Republic of Dagestan case study). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 18(393) - 2015 May
- Introduction of the Regulatory Impact Assessment in the regions of Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 17(392) - 2015 May
- The main priorities for industrial policy. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 13(388) - 2015 April
- Strategic analysis of the development of the region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(387) - 2015 March
- Economic and demographic factors shaping urban settlement (the Central Federal District case study). «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 11(386) - 2015 March
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