- The role of the state in the development of mutual assistance. «Finance and Credit», 7(391) - 2010 February
- The insurance market: problems and prospects of tax regulation. «Finance and Credit», 3(387) - 2010 January
- Peculiarities of development of personal insurance in modern Russia. «Finance and Credit», 46(382) - 2009 December
- The outcome of the development of the insurance market in Russia in the first quarter of the year 2009. «Financial Analytics: Science and Experience», 9(21) - 2009 September
- The Tendency of Integration Development on the Insurance Market Service. «Finance and Credit», 37(373) - 2009 October
- New approaches efficiency increasing of auto insurance in the conditions of crisis.. «Finance and Credit», 34(370) - 2009 September
- Effectiveness of the accumulative insurance products application in RF. «Finance and Credit», 33(369) - 2009 September
- Analysis of transactions of insurance of crops under insurance statistics of Kirov region. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 2(131) – 2009 January
- Mutual insurance as an important line of development of the Russian Federation insurance sector. «Finance and Credit», 30(366) – 2009 August
- Actual problems of differentiation of insurance premiums on obligatory social disability insurance by fixing of insurance rate markup and relief. «Finance and Credit», 26(362) – 2009 July
- Insurance companies promising products in the context of liquidity crisis. «Finance and Credit», 5(341) – 2009 February
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