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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

«Finance and Credit»

Vol. 18, Iss. 14, April 2012


Value orientations of the state innovative policy in the sphere of providing a sustainable development of electronic business in Russia

Tedeev A.A. )

Public financing of innovative activity: purposes and directions, forms and tools, regional features

Roschina L.N. )


Tax subsidies: contents, purposes of introduction and efficiency of using

Panskov V.G. / Ponomareva N.V. )


Features of application of indicators of efficiency of financial investments

Berzon N.I. / Doroshin D.I. )

To a question of a choice of a technique of an assessment of investment appeal of the enterprise

Charayeva M.V. )


Modernization of system of risk management in bank: factorial approach

Pronsky N.S. )

Comparative analysis of programs of mortgage housing lending of the Russian credit organizations

Musin R.M. / Musin D.S. )

 Stock market

The problems of attracting long-term investor in the stock market in Russia

Melnikova E.V. / Pleshakov M.V. / Shirokaya L.P. )


Corporate management as determinant of dividend policy of the Russian companies

Sibova N.M. )

 Foreign trade activities

The international factoring - the effective instrument of stimulation of the foreign trade activity of small and medium enterprises

Podlesnova A.Yu. )


ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 30, Iss. 8
August 2024
