Romanova E.M.Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject The article examines major trends in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) of transnational corporations (TNC) of the United States into the Japanese economy. Objectives The purpose is to study new features and trends in the export of U.S. direct investment to Japan in the late 90's – early 2000's, identify measures aimed at attracting overseas capital to the Japanese economy and determine what Japan is doing to increase it, analyze main problems in attracting foreign funds. Methods The study employs methods of scientific abstraction and statistical analysis based on foreign literature. Results We analyzed major trends in the investment cooperation between the USA and Japan, defined prospects for U.S. direct investment in the economy of Japan, FDI volume, dynamics and structure, considered problems and prospects for attracting direct investment of U.S. TNCs in the economy of Japan. Conclusions and Relevance For recent decades, Japan has created a favorable environment for further attraction of foreign direct investment through a number of structural reforms, and constantly diversifies this sphere. There are some problems related to economic policy of the USA, which is targeted at improving the investment climate in the country. The prospects for bilateral investment cooperation between the USA and Japan are very uncertain. Mutual trade, economic and investment cooperation with Japan and other Asia-Pacific countries are unclear.
Keywords: foreign direct investment, world economy, transnational corporation, capital
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