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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Improving the methods to assess interbank competition: Analysis of concentration on the basis of modified structural index

Vol. 24, Iss. 5, MAY 2018

Received: 21 February 2018

Received in revised form: 12 March 2018

Accepted: 26 March 2018

Available online: 29 May 2018

Subject Heading: Banking

JEL Classification: G21

Pages: 1098-1108


Skorlupina Yu.O. Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russian Federation


Importance The existing methods to assess the competition in the banking sector can yield different results. This demonstrates their imperfection and the need for modification. Improvement of these methods acquires special relevance, when it is necessary to compare competition in the banking sector of different countries due to the different number of banks in them.
Objectives The study aims to obtain an adequate assessment of competition in the banking market under several methods, and to eliminate the shortcomings of traditional assessment methods.
Methods Using general scientific methods of research, I conclude that it is expedient to apply traditional structural indexes of concentration assessment in different countries. Statistical methods help assess the concentration by means of various indicators.
Results It is important to perfect the structural index of concentration, i.e. concentration assessment on the basis of one percent share of banks in the banking sector. This enables to perform a more adequate assessment of competition in the banking sector considering different number of banks in the banking sectors of different countries.
Conclusions and Relevance The Russian banking market demonstrates high concentration, which is confirmed by actual data about real domination of several largest banks in the market and fierce competition in the 'remaining' part of the sector.

Keywords: competition, bank, assessment


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