pp. 1446-1462
Dynamics of the financial sector structure: Long-term trends and current challenges
( Konstantin V. KRINICHANSKII )
pp. 1463-1474
Digital transformation of the Russian banking sector: Opportunities and risks
( Nadezhda N. SEMENOVA )
pp. 1475-1492
Accounting for performance risk when managing the company's financial security
( Sergei A. FILIN / Tat'yana Yu. SHEMYAKINA / Evgenii V. GENKIN / Dariko K. BALAKHANOVA )
pp. 1493-1509
Financial literacy and financial culture: A new conceptual approach to defining and understanding
( Ol'ga A. GRISHINA / Aleksei I. GRISHIN )
pp. 1510-1526
The impact of institutional investors on the financial performance of Russian companies
( Elena A. FEDOROVA / Ekaterina K. TOLMACHEVA )
pp. 1527-1548
The impact of financial goal-setting on the financial behavior of the population
pp. 1549-1567
Building competitive advantages of regional banks and FinTech companies through strategic alliances
( Tat'yana N. ZVER'KOVA )
pp. 1568-1586
Regional features of budgetary support to the social sphere
( Yuliya Yu. FILICHKINA / Galina V. MOROZOVA )
pp. 1587-1603
Adaptation of the Russian corporate bond market to the new geopolitical reality
( Aleksandr Yu. ANDRIANOV )
pp. 1604-1622
Financial capacity of the Russian economy
( Valerii V. SMIRNOV )
pp. 1623-1640
Building a probabilistic economic and mathematical model of an investment project using the Monte Carlo method
( Denis S. BEZRUCHKO )
pp. 1641-1659
Lessons and experiences of the second period of international production in Russia
( Siranush L. USNYAN )
pp. 1660-1682
The single supranational BRICS digital currency as a factor of independence from the dollar-centric international financial system
( Evgenii D. ANOSOV )