pp. 726–747
Adjustments of VAT and income tax of banks
( Sergei V. ANUREEV )
pp. 748–764
Participatory budgeting in Russia in conditions of economic instability
( Vitalii A. FEDOSOV )
pp. 765–787
Evolutionary neural network modeling of import substitution in the electronics industry of regions
( Sergei N. YASHIN / Egor V. KOSHELEV / Dmitrii A. SUKHANOV )
pp. 788–813
Machining technologies to compute the psychological-financial index
( Semen Yu. BOGATYREV / Irina A. NIKONOVA / Aleksandr A. POMULEV )
pp. 814–829
Theoretical aspects of dependence of the country's economic growth on public health and healthy nutrition
( Svetlana N. MASTEROVA )
pp. 830–850
Potential of the Russian IPO market
( Valerii V. SMIRNOV )
pp. 851–872
Genetic algorithms as a tool for the formation and evolution of trading strategies in the securities market
( Beilak N. ALIEV )
pp. 873–891
Methodological aspects of ensuring the smooth functioning of the digital ruble platform
( Aleksandr V. LARIONOV )
pp. 892–913
Arranging internal financial control in public institutions: Obstacles and strategies to mitigate them
( Oleg T. SLANOV )
pp. 914–925
Sustainability of development of economic entities in partially autarkic economy
( Dar'ya M. KORSHUNOVA / Lyudmila E. ROMANOVA / Aleksandr S. VASIN )
pp. 926–962
Modern features and tools to analyze the insolvency (bankruptcy) of organizations
( Irina V. ZENKINA )