pp. 484–504
Development of mortgage securitization infrastructure in the Russian Federation
( Sof'ya A. POTOMOVA / Yurii Yu. RUSANOV / Vladimir A. SLEPOV )
pp. 505–522
Evaluating the effectiveness of structured financial instruments in the commercial bank's ecosystem
( Alina K. YAKOVLEVA / Elena A. FEDULOVA )
pp. 523–539
The importance of introducing the voluntary prohibition of lending
( Oksana V. MADATOVA )
pp. 540–560
Russian insurance market: Problems of functioning and growth drivers in times of the coronavirus crisis
( Ol'ga A. GRISHINA / Tais V. DRYUK )
pp. 561–584
The sentiment analysis method in finance: The psychological-financial index
( Semen Yu. BOGATYREV )
pp. 585–610
The content analysis of Russian finance
( Valerii V. SMIRNOV )
pp. 611–626
Claims for damage to a public-law entity within the implementation of internal State (municipal) financial control: Theory and practice
( German N. SKLYAROV )
pp. 627–648
Private investment in residential real estate viewed through personal behavioral traits of the agent: Evidence from St. Petersburg
( Ella Yu. PAVEL'EVA )
pp. 649–671
State budget management in the Russian Federation
( Andrei G. LUKIN )
pp. 672–692
The economic benefits of digitalization in the oil and gas industry
( Pavel A. DROGOVOZ / Nikita I. KHARIN )
pp. 693–720
Tax reform initiated by D. Trump: Economic and social aspects
( Elena Yu. MAKUSHINA / Dar'ya M. KARMANOVA / Aleksei S. KUCHER )