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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

«Finance and Credit»

Vol. 26, Iss. 11, November 2020


pp. 2410–2426

A methodology for computing and assessing the transport accessibility index: The Russian Federation subjects case study

Savrukov A.N. / Savrukov N.T. )

pp. 2427–2447

Modeling and optimizing logistics, information, economic and financial intercluster cooperation using the ant colony optimization algorithm

Yashin S.N. / Koshelev E.V. / Borisov S.A. )

 Financial system

pp. 2448–2471

Non-standard functions and structures of ministries of finance under economic challenges: A case study of Western governments

Anureev S.V. )

pp. 2472–2500

Applying a comprehensive approach to construct indicators that reflect the financial security of the Russian Federation

Borshch L.M. / Dzhalal M.A.K. / Zharova A.R. )

pp. 2501–2523

Public finance flow in contemporary Russia

Smirnov V.V. )

pp. 2524–2541

Studying the global use of international public sector accounting standards

Chertkova A.V. )

pp. 2542–2566

Problems of financial support to State guarantees for free medical care under extreme conditions

Altynov Yu.А. )

 Financial control

pp. 2567–2593

The concept of motivation for effective credit risk management

Pomazanov M.V. )


pp. 2594–2616

Segmentation of retail bank customers for the purposes of modeling the loan claim default

Pavlova E.V. / Roskoshenko V.V. )


pp. 2617–2632

Improving the performance of corporate leaders: Theoretical and practical consideration

Khomenko Ya.V. )


pp. 2633–2654

Discrepancies in Islamic finance

Dorofeev M.L. / Griban' M.K. )


ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 30, Iss. 10
October 2024
