Subject. The article addresses the reasons for money emission in modern Russia. Objectives. The purpose of the work is to identify the reasons for money emission in modern Russia. Methods. The research methodology rests on the use of general scientific methods, primarily on the analysis and synthesis of data, and special economic and mathematical methods, in particular, correlation and regression analysis. A graphical method is used to present the obtained scientific results. Results. The study shows the connection between the relevance of the analysis of causes of money emission in modern Russia, and strong-willed efforts of government bodies and monetary authorities to mobilize financial sources of economic growth under sanctions pressure. The paper revealed a dominant volatile growth (growth rate) of quoted shares of Russian issuers traded on the domestic market, and a moderate growth of debt burden. It also discovered a significant increase in the requirements of banking system organizations to other financial organizations, non-financial organizations, and households, with an increase in actual international reserves and net foreign assets of the banking system. Conclusions. The identified reasons for the issue of money in modern Russia will allow the financial authorities to smoothly regulate the growth of listed shares of Russian issuers and the debt burden, fulfilling the budget expenses and preserving the international reserves.
Keywords: share, money issue, monetary aggregate, debt burden, international reserve
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