Sergei A. VASIL'EVInternational Banking Institute named after Anatoliy Sobchak St. Petersburg, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article considers new financial indicators for new conditions of Russia’s financial and economic development. Objectives. The aim is to develop new financial indicators for the new conditions of financial and economic development of Russia, create a classification of new financial indicators. Methods. The study employs data tagging methods, index method, induction and deduction, and statistical methods. Results. We substantiated the need and proposed a new system of financial indicators for domestic financial markets, developed a classification of new financial indicators. Conclusions. The use of new financial indicators solves the problem of insufficient information in financial decision-making on domestic financial markets, reveals new aspects of financial decision-making, provides an adequate and objective assessment of situation in financial markets, furnishes domestic financial analysts with information sources independent of the external foreign information environment, gives the national regulator of financial markets new analytical and regulatory capabilities in accordance with the law on financial indicator administrators.
Keywords: Bank of Russia, regulation, financial index, financial market, fundamental analysis
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