Subject. The article discusses the local economic security in terms of encouraging the development of green entrepreneurship. Objectives. We outline the conceptual and instrumental framework for ensuring the local economic security by desaggregating sustainable development goals into factors. The study also pursues the construction of administrative model for the local economic security in terms of sustainable development. Methods. The study combines the integral analysis and radar method, thereby evaluating how partial factors influence the comprehensive potential for the development of business segments of the green economy. We also substantiate strengths and weaknesses of the industry in terms of its impact on economic security. Results. Based on projections and estimates, the strategic view of the potential for the development of business segments of the green economy revealed strengths and weaknesses of the green economy, which, if managed, will reinforce the local economic security and ensure their sustainable development. To understand distinctions in the development of business segments of the green economy in terms of sustainable development and regional economic security, we tested the computations through the case of the Russian regions’ development. Conclusions and Relevance. We suggest using the aggregated administrative model for supporting business segments of the green economy, which is presented so as to specify goals of sustainable development. Not attained as much as they are supposed to in the given period, sustainable development goals urge federal and regional authorities to rely upon new points of growth while screening for constraints of green business.
Keywords: economic security, sustainable development goal, green economy, integral analysis, radar method
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