Subject. This article is devoted to the trust phenomenon misrepresentation within different socio-economics science branches. Objectives. The article aims to conduct an interdisciplinary analysis of the trust phenomenon given by different branches of social sciences. Methods. For the study, we used an interdisciplinary approach. Results. The article reveals different definitions of trust by representatives of the socio-economic group of sciences. This leads to distortions in the perception of the object under study, which we interpret as the effect of interdisciplinary asymmetry. The article shows the process of formation of trust in institution, offers an original definition of the phenomenon of trust as a decision-making factor in a transaction in order to minimize transaction costs. Conclusions.Trust does not have the characteristics of an economic institution, and in fact it is not. The use of the term institutional trust in the study of trust by economic entities in a particular socio-economic institution is inappropriate. To avoid distorting the essence of the phenomenon under study, we propose the use of the term trust in institution as the most relevant in scientific economic circulation.
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