Subject. The stable supply of food to people is a cornerstone for the national economic security, while a lack of food or its expensiveness may undermine the economy, principles of power, and cause panics and wars. Malnutrition and hunger are critical indicators of the insufficient foods supply. Objectives. The article indicates which countries have high risk of hunger, and predicts its further movement. I also evaluate factual trends in the availability of food across countries. Methods. The study refers to statistical data in public domain, including the FAOSTAT. I apply methods of ranking, abstraction, prediction. Results. I performed the cross-country analysis and discovered that 117 countries demonstrated signs of malnutrition. The article sets forth a technique for splitting countries into five groups by level of hunger risk. The article compares data on hunger in the countries and consequences of mortality and morbidity. I ranked countries by key types of agricultural products and explained their production growth rates for a span of 18 years. I predicted how countries would be ranked in terms of hunger from 2030 to 2050, and found the extent to which the hunger risk will escalate in more flourishing countries. Conclusions and Relevance. Hunger and shortage of food seem invincible in the countries where people are hungry or very hungry. Sometimes it appears almost impossible for respective governments to solve the issue. Triggering the systemic hunger, such factors and premises are beyond control of starving countries. Hence, the international community should provide their support and aid to them.
Keywords: food security, malnutrition, global hunger
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