Subject. Seeing the complicated geopolitical and economic situation in Russia, it is impossible to withstand the political pressure and adverse effects of sanctions, evolve effectively and continue the import substitution policy, without focusing on the economic security of the State. Objectives. The study analyzed the conceptual framework of Russia's economic security, examines the premises for the Russian Federation Economic Security Strategy until 2030. I also specify goals and tasks of Russia's national policy for economic security, evaluate components of strategic planning and governance in economic security. The article formulates key tasks of Russia's national economic security today in terms of the economic security theory. Methods. The study involves a systems approach, methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison. Results. I review principal clauses of the Russian Federation Economic Security Strategy until 2030 and find it unfolds theoretical principles of economic security and practical aspects of their performance. The article indicates the role of the economic security strategy in implementing strategic national priorities of Russia and shows some drawbacks. I formulate tasks of Russia's national economic security strategy nowadays, which supplement the contemporary theory of economic security. Conclusions and Relevance. The Russian Economic Security Strategy until 2030 is a fundamental document for strategic planning and public administration. If implemented, it will raise the general level and quality of public administration so as to ensure the economic security of the country, make the national economy more resilient against external and internal threats and challenges and strengthen the social and political stability. The findings can underlie general and special courses of Economics, Political Science, Conflict Studies, Public and Municipal Administration, and be useful to public authorities.
Keywords: economic security, economic security strategy, external and internal threats and challenges, sustainable economic growth, public administration
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