Subject. This article assesses the development of electronic payment facilities in the context of the declining regional coverage of commercial bank offices. Objectives. The article aims to test a methodological approach to assessing the development of electronic payment facilities, considering the regions of the Siberian Federal District as a case study. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of statistical and comparative analyses. Results. The developed methodological approach to assessing the development of electronic payment facilities has been tested using the information data of the Siberian Federal District regions. The article describes the criteria for the development of electronic payment facilities. Relevance. The findings and proposed methodological approach can be used in the development of the theory of non-cash settlements, as well as in the practical activities of the country's financial institutions. The results of the study are applied by the Ministry of Finance of the Tyva Republic and by the Division – National Bank of the Tyva Republic of the Siberian Main Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: electronic payment instrument, payment system, Internet banking, mobile banking, cashless transaction, POS-terminal
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