Subject The article addresses trends associated with the launch of integration processes of the ASEAN and the EAEU against the backdrop of general situation in the BRICS economies. Objectives The purpose is to review the current economic situation and interests of Russia and the EAEU in the event of project implementation related to interaction with BRICS and ASEAN and other integration associations of the BRICS countries, for possible creation of the common market. Methods The study draws on systems analysis and formal logic. It explores the practicality and possibility of using the BRICS format as a tool for cooperation of regional integration associations to develop integration. Results The article shows the need to reorganize the BRICS and develop projects for launching a variety of integration projects, primarily in view of common interests of the BRICS member countries. It analyzes the consequences of the negative scenario related to the creation of the TICKS group, a competitor of the BRICS. Conclusions Creating a platform for a dialogue of the BRICS and planning the common market formation project is the next step in the development of the BRICS. It is also one of decisions focused on Russia's incorporation into the world economy in the midst of the changing situation, economic recession and foreign investors' exit from the Russian market, and against the persistent competition on the part of Asian and Western partners.
Keywords: BRICS, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, Eurasian Economic Union, Common Market
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