Importance The article, for the first time in the Russian Federation, presents a comprehensive investigation of qualification characteristics like age, experience, education, academic degree, a ratio of remuneration and key performance indicators, the number of shared positions of top managers (members of Management Board and Board of Directors) of Russian credit institutions, based on a wide array of aggregated quantitative data. Objectives The aim is to obtain indicators characterizing skills and performance of senior executives, to analyze them and develop proposals to improve the operating efficiency of domestic banks. Methods The study rests on financial statements of fifty banks incorporated as open joint stock companies (PAO) and included in the Top 116 banks of the Russian banking system ranked by total assets as of Q2 2015, using traditional economic and mathematical methods. Results We studied job descriptions of top managers of the banks and substantiated certain proposals, i.e. to make mandatory the public disclosure of information about top managers of all Russian banks; to limit the income of top managers of State-owned banks at the State level; to establish relationship between the income of top managers and financial results of banks; to introduce a differentiated bonus-awarding procedure for top managers using banks' own shares, etc. Conclusions and Relevance The findings may be useful for the Bank of Russia to develop and strengthen the national banking system, and for credit institutions to increase their commercial efficiency.
Keywords: banking personnel, management board, Board of Directors, bank
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