Burakov D.V.Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation Dbur89@yandex.ru
Importance The increasing problems in the financial sphere of Russia enhance the importance of commercial banks' loan portfolio quality. The continuing growth of lending to non-financial sector against the backdrop of its stagnation represents an empirical anomaly, which may be explained by the current bank debt restructuring. Objectives The aim of the study is a comprehensive review of restructuring activity of commercial banks in terms of theory, methods of measuring and analyzing the restructuring processes in the lending activity of domestic commercial banks. Methods The methodology of the study includes methods of comparative and correlation analysis. The sample includes the largest banking organizations by loans granted to the non-financial sector. The study includes the time period from 2002 to 2015, the basic period of the sample is both the annual and monthly variables. Results The results of the study include theoretical and practical aspects. So, from the theoretical point of view, I propose a simple model of multiple equilibria for the restructured assets market. I highlight factors that have a potential to impact the scale and elasticity of supply and demand in this market. Conclusions The obtained results allow making the following conclusions: the share of restructured loans in the corporate lending market during the period under investigation has been steadily increasing; the continuation of this trend in the corporate credit market is fraught with its degeneration into a pyramid based on the Ponzi scheme; the main reason of this trend is a dysfunction of economic institutions in Russia.
Keywords: credit, bank, restructuring, market
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