Edronova V.N.National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation v.n.edronova@mail.ru
Subject Financial monitoring appeared due to creation of the AML/CFT system. Its basic methodology is a risk-based approach, the original element of which is risk assessment. Risk assessment methodology at the national level is not adequately investigated due to the novelty of the problem and little practical experience. It is important to study the methodology as a set of specific principles, methods and sequence of actions. Objectives The study aims to review the international and national statutory framework for the methodology of the risk-based approach and risk assessment, to analyze the practical application of the risk-based approach in the Russian Federation and abroad, to structure methodological and practical materials and consider individual elements of risk assessment methodology at the national level. Methods The methodological basis of the research includes empirical and logical constructions, analysis and synthesis, and the systems approach. Results The paper structures the methodology for assessing the risks inherent in anti-money laundering and terrorist financing at the national level to the extent of the general approach, principles and practices. It formulates risk assessment principles at the national level. Furthermore, it defines risk assessment methods at the stage of identifying, analyzing and assessing risks, and describes them. Conclusions The findings are important for further scientific research. They will contribute to improving the national financial monitoring system, enhancing its quality and efficiency.
Keywords: State financial control, money laundering, terrorism financing, national risk
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