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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

The usage of multiple correlation-regression analysis for the diagnostics of the financial inability of enterprises

Vol. 16, Iss. 25, JULY 2010

Available online: 16 July 2010


JEL Classification: 

Shvetsov Yu. G. Professor of finance & credits chair, Academy of Economy and Law

Sabelfeld T.V. senior teacher of finance & credits chair, Academy of Economy and Law

The current mechanism analysis of the financial inability of enterprises diagnostics has revealed the inconsistency of the financial instrument and its numerous deficiencies that objectively determines the need for the improvement of the mechanism under study. This particular article by means of the multiple correlation-regression analysis presents the equation of constraints for the evaluation of the solvency level under the financial inability diagnostics. There has been conducted the reliability assessment of the constraint equation and eligibility of its appliance for practical purposes. The rating scale for the attribution of the diagnosable enterprise either to the group of financially consistent or inconsistent ones has been determinated as well.

Keywords: diagnostics, financial inability, solvency, correlation, regression

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ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

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Vol. 30, Iss. 8
August 2024
