Subject. The article discusses economic relationships as part of digital platform relations. Objectives. We devise our own algorithm for using digital platforms of intercorporation relations. Methods. The study relies upon the systems comparative analysis of current practices of implementing and running digital platforms in Russia and worldwide. Results. The coronavirus crisis sparkled a surge of the digitalization of economic system elements. Currently, there are widely spread and ever developing types of intercorporation relations, which embrace several entities, being specifically intended to reduce various costs incurred throughout the purchase of supplies and materials to the production and sale. Comprehending the current processes of digitalizing intercorporation relations theoretically and practically, we become able to coordinate them more effectively during business operations. To create the algorithm, we conducted an empirical study to reveal how various types of digital platforms are applied by small and large businesses, which represent certain intercorporation relations. Having analyzed findings, we chose to include five key phases into our algorithm, i.e. the analysis of the reasonableness of using the digital platform, the comprehensive evaluation of global practices of implementing such digital platforms, determining the approach to implementing the digital platform, the consolidated analysis of applicable types of digital platforms, the assessment of cost efficiency of using the digital platform. Conclusions and Relevance. The findings are theoretically important for developing the planning and methodological approach to using digitall platforms. They contribute to the development of the applied framework for planning the integration of digital platforms into intercorporation relations.
Keywords: intercompany relations, digital platform, algorithm
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