Bundin M.A.Financial Research Institute of Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation bundin@nifi.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. The paper examines the Russian pension system. Individual pension capital is an alternative direction to the current system of non-State pension funding. Objectives. The author is to consider the embedding of the individual pension capital concept. He also aims at analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the concept. Methods. The study uses the correlation-regression analysis and the analysis of the research information base on the surveyed topic. Results The article allows acknowledging the dependence between the expansion of the incapacitated group of citizens and the consumer price index growth. Besides, it allows to determine the main risks of the proposed concept. Conclusions and Relevance. The main internal risks of the proposed pension reform include: a massive refusal to participate in the new system; the decreasing of participants' contributions tariffs to funds up to 0.1 percent; high-level costs (for funds).
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