Omonov Zh.K.Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Importance This article focuses on developing tools to measure an impact of social innovation, taking into account commercial and social benefits of introducing social innovation. Objectives We aim to develop our own matrix for the evaluation of the impact of social innovation. Methods We use methods of systematization, logical analysis, regression analysis, etc. Results The article shows possible areas of institutional development that ensure the effective performance of social and innovation activities, including the development of both efficient formal institutions and social capital. Conclusions and Relevance The theoretical analysis, as well as the results of the application of the developed assessment matrix of social innovation at the regional level, have made it possible to identify the characteristics of social innovation. The matrix makes it possible to identify the characteristics of social innovation functioning in a given territory and also becomes an initial stage for the institutional development directions.
Keywords: social innovation, performance matrix, effective development, institutional environment
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