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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

«Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice»

Vol. 19, Iss. 4, April 2020


pp. 598–617

European experience in transition to circular economy

Ratner S.V. )

pp. 618–632

Assessing the quality of public health in the Russian Federation and Israel: Main problems and solutions

Panchenko A.S. )

pp. 633–649

Evaluating the efficiency of the environmental security policy in the Russian regions

Shkiperova G.T. / Druzhinin P.V. )

pp. 650–662

Agricultural holdings and farms: The right to development

Denisov V.I. / Potravnyi I.M. )


pp. 663–682

Assessment of infrastructure technology parameters in conditions of reforming the State regulation of Russian natural monopolies

Belousova N.I. / Bushanskii S.P. / Vasil'eva E.M. )

pp. 683–706

Researching the economic dynamics of high technology products

Leonov A.V. / Pronin A.Yu. )


pp. 707–721

Digital economy: A terminology retrospective, the present and the future

Velikorossov V.V. / Filin S.A. / Kalinina O.N. )

pp. 722–744

Forecasting the behavior of the innovative potential of an entity subject to macroeconomic regulation in terms of trends in the long Kondratieff cycle

Istomina S.V. / Lychagina T.A. / Pakhomov A.V. / Pakhomova E.A. )


pp. 745–763

Analyzing the liabilities and stockholders' equity of the world's leading public oil and gas corporations

Shimko O.V. )

pp. 764–779

Financial impact of stakeholder policy in conditions of economic instability: An empirical analysis of panel data

Badykova I.R. )


pp. 780–796

European experience in the economic analysis of university spatial networking

Bolgova E.V. / Bolgov S.A. / Kurnikova M.V. )


ISSN 2311-8725 (Online)
ISSN 2073-039X (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 24, Iss. 1
January 2025


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