Bushanskii S.P.Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation dbd-s@yandex.ru ORCID id: not available
Vasil'eva E.M.Federal Research Center ‘Informatics and Management’, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation vasileva@isa.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article deals with network infrastructure modeling to assess its natural monopoly properties and analyze possibilities for incorporating the potential of theoretical and applied model justification into management procedures under reform of government regulation of Russian natural monopolies. Objectives. The aim is to elaborate methodological guidelines for assessment of infrastructure technology parameters, taking into account network specifics and proposed changes in Russian legislation in the sphere of natural monopolies and incorporating a number of theoretical and applied models. Methods. We apply our own approach to modeling more adequate assessments of network infrastructure technology parameters, and a methodology for diagnostics of natural monopoly properties of infrastructure technologies given the uncertainty of source information. Results. The study formulates methodological guidelines for diagnostics of natural monopoly properties based on modeling the parameters of network infrastructure technology. We analyzed the situation resulting from structural reforms of Russian natural monopolies, presented some results of experimental model calculations with estimated impact of investment component of total cost on economic characteristics of infrastructure technologies. Furthermore, we obtained analytical assessments for different scenarios of network technology development. Conclusions. The proposed methodological guidelines for modeling the parameters of network infrastructure technology may serve as a basis of the system of interdisciplinary justifications for reforming the government regulation of Russian natural monopolies with increased emphasis on network component.
Keywords: natural monopoly, legislative initiative, network infrastructure technology, diagnostics of properties, generation of unobservable data
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