Subject. The paper deals with the economic analysis of university spatial networking. Objectives. The purpose is to work out methods for economic analysis of spatial network of higher education institutions based on the European experience and information sources of the space location of universities in the EU countries. Methods. The study rests on theoretical analysis of the higher education institutions network as a spatially localized system, economic and statistical techniques of sampling and grouping, methods for comprehensive economic indicators of distribution, indexing, and ranking. Results. We underpinned approaches to the university network development as part of the science-push and the local development driver model; developed information support and methods for economic analysis of spatial organization of university networks; presented and tested the methodology for assessing the university spatial networking. Conclusions. The offered methods enable to obtain the estimates of even distribution of universities across a country, which is achieved by the country policy. These methods may be recommended for sound management decisions and strategies for higher education institutions development, spatial and socio-economic growth, policies designed to equalize the level of social and economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: analysis, higher education institution, network, European experience
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