Importance Migration processes and their regulation have historically been an important aspect of socio-economic development of the Russian Far East. At different stages of historical development, State regulation of migration processes was characterized by the specifics of socio-economic development of regions that attracted migrants. The paper considers main approaches to regulation of migration at different stages of socio-economic development of the territory, focusing on the present stage. Objectives The aim is to identify current trends in the implementation of the State migration policy in the Far East at the Federal and regional level. Methods The research rests on the analysis of regulatory, statistical, and empirical data on the dynamics of migration processes in regions of the Russian Far East. Results The structure of labor migrants by their home countries differs from region to region. This is reflected in the regional specifics of immigrant workforce regulation. At the regional level, restrictive policies are pursued, especially with regard to foreign labor migrants arriving under a visa-free regime. A simplified regime for attracting qualified and highly qualified foreign specialists is not actively used in the Far Eastern regions of Russia. Conclusions Despite the use of restrictive migration policy instruments in some regions of the Far East, the Federal legislation allows to maintain and expand the number of foreign citizens in the local labor market arriving under visa and visa-free regimes.
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