Leonov A.V.46th Central Research Institute of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation alex.clein51@yandex.ru ORCID id: not available
Pronin A.Yu.46th Central Research Institute of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation pronin46@bk.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject Modeling based on synergistic methods is a modern way of improving a methodological framework for high-tech production management in Russia and abroad. Synergistic and traditional methods are intended to make high-tech production more effective. Objectives The research aims to devise a dynamic model of a typical self-organization cycle, demonstrate that management by objectives in high-tech production and self-organization are equivalent. We articulate our proposals for the combined use of synergistic and traditional methods of high-tech production management. Methods We rely upon the scientific method of syllogism to verify the hypothesis stating that management by objectives and self-organization principles are equivalent. Referring to general and specific assumptions, we inferred a new conclusion revealing new scientific knowledge. General assumptions include the philosophy of life and theoretical principles of self-organization. Specific assumptions are linked to steps of management by objectives in high-tech production. Results We presented the model reflecting a typical cycle of self-organization. It implies that technological programs for high-tech production are formed as a non-equilibrium and non-linear process. The model includes the program and synergistic cycles, typical phases, states and limits of self-organization, reasons and conditions for their existence and possibilities to formalize them mathematically. Conclusions and Relevance The findings can be used to improve the methodological framework for managing high-tech production research, maintain the stability of long-term technological programs, mitigate their risks, determine methods and ways of sustainable development of innovation and technology in the country, defend and ensure the national security of the Russian Federation.
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